Das ist Chemicalbox!
Hallo. Ich bin Mario Buholzer - und Chemicalbox ist meine kreative 3D Animation- und Motion Design Agentur.
Das animierte Bewegtbild und die visuellen Effekte beim Film haben mich schon immer fasziniert. Deshalb bereitet mir meine Arbeit auch jeden Tag aufs neue Freude!
Die innovativen Showdesigns werden hier genauso detailverliebt kreiert wie Erklärvideos oder On-Air-Designs.
Vinny: Why are we stopped here? What’s wrong with that spot over there?
Tyrone: It’s too tight.
Vinny: Too tight? You could land a jumbo fucking jet in there!
Turkish: Fuck me, hold tight. What’s that?
Tommy: It’s me belt, Turkish.
Turkish: No, Tommy. There’s a gun in your trousers. What’s a gun doing in your trousers?
Tommy: It’s for protection.
Turkish: Protection from what? „Zee Germans“?
Turkish: You take sugar?
Brick Top: No thank you, Turkish; I’m sweet enough.
Bond, James Bond
Avi: Tony.
Bullet Tooth Tony: What?
Avi: Look in the dog.
Bullet Tooth Tony: What do you mean „look in the dog?“
Avi: I mean open him up.
Bullet Tooth Tony: It’s not as if it’s a tin of baked beans! What do you mean „open him up“?
Kate: Where are you taking us?
Richie: Mexico.
Kate: What’s in Mexico?
Richie: Mexicans.
Policeman: So, what you doin here?
Turkish: I’m taking the dog for a walk. What’s the problem?
Policeman: What’s in the car?
Turkish: Seats and a steering wheel.
Lt. Aldo Raine: Well, I speak the most Italian, so I’ll be your escort. Donowitz speaks the second most, so he’ll be your Italian cameraman. Omar speaks third most, so he’ll be Donny’s assistant.
Pfc. Omar Ulmer: I don’t speak Italian.
Lt. Aldo Raine: Like I said, third best.
Bill: You hocked a Hattori Hanzon Sword?
Budd: Yep.
Bill: It was priceless.
Budd: Well, not in El Paso, it ain’t. In El Paso I got me $250 for it.
Die Kombination von Design, realem Filmmaterial und high-end 3D-Rendering ergeben immer ein kreatives und eigenständiges Filmerlebnis. Hier wird jedes Projekt auf Ihre Bedürfnisse und Kunden massgeschneidert. Hier gibt es nichts von der Stange.
Das Kredo lautet dabei immer: Konzeptionell überraschend, inhaltlich plausibel, technisch einwandfrei und gestalterisch natürlich State of the Art.
Things i like
- Iron Sky
- Snatch
- Galaga
- Hammond B3
- Skiing
- Bomb Jack
- Weekend
- Beer
- Swatch
- Motion Design
- Retina
- Goldorak
- Herbie Hancock
- Kill Bill
- Quentin Tarantino
- Evoc
- Pizza
- Freitag
- Wacom
- Rhodes Mark 1
- Maxon Cinema 4d
- Digital Production
- Adelboden
- Ping Pong
- Powder
- Gozilla
- Adobe
- Tennis
- Apple
- Bruce Lee
- Moleskin
- Electric
- Stellar
- Showreels
- Onitsuka tiger
- Kinect
- Santa Cruz
- Chasseral
- Enduro MTB
- Troy Lee Design
- VW Bus
- Sushi
- James Bond
- Friends
- Apple
- X-Particles
- Otoy Octane
- Urban Ears
- Gaston
- Franquin
- Minimal
- Modular Synth
- Nvidia
- Unreal 5
- Intellijel
- Santa Cruz
- Black Crow
- Moog
- Leica M11
- Modular Grid
- Patches
- Rhodes Mark 8
- Abelton Live
- Chess
- EuroRack
Screenings / Awards / Publikationen
- Int. Media Festival for PreventionFestivalCategory Multimedia - Ekas Box
- Best of SwissWebFestivalSilver - Ekas Box
- Los Logos 6BookPublished Logo
- World Luxury Award. MonacoFestivalGold - IWC 'Spirit of Navigation'
- World Luxury Award. MonacoFestivalFinalist Award - Louis Widmer 'Ode an die Haut'
- Los Logos 5 compassBookPublished Logo
- nifff – Imaging the FutureFestivalSeveral Clips was shown at the Symposium 2010!
- OttoCar Award at IAA 2009FestivalSilver - Mercedes Trucks
- Mobius Award 2009FestivalAwarded - Mercedes Trucks
- New York Festival 2009Festival3x gold and 1x Bronze - Mercedes Trucks
- Computer Arts / Octobre 2008MagazineThe Reel was feat. on the Computer Arts Magazine DVD
- Kerry Film Festival (Irland) 2008Festival'here we are' - Shortlist
- Solothurn Film Festival 2008Festival'Bruches Nümm' - Shortlist sound & stories
- Los Logos 4BookSeveral Logos were published
- Solothurn Film Festival 2007Festival'here we are' - Shortlist sound & stories
- onedotzero zürich 2007Festival'Bruches Nümm' -Shortlist
- Slice Magazine DVD 2007Magazine'here we are' was featured on the Slice Magazine DVD
- webdesign indexBookThe chemicalbox website was pubslished in the index book
- Tres LogosBookSeveral Logos were published
- onedotzero zürich 2006Festival'Gourmet Cuisiniers' / 'autoreserve motion' - Shortlist
- Swissfilms Promotion DVD 2006DVD'here we are' on the Promotion DVD
- animago 2006Festival'chemicalbox showreel' - first place
- Novum Magazin February 2006MagazineArticle/Interview about the chemicalbox design studio
- onedotzero zürich 2005FestivalPresenting 3 Projects on LCD Screens
- Page January 2005MagazineFeatured Movie from SAE Munich
- World Business Cards Today 2004BookSeveral Business Cards were published
- animago 2003Festivalvektor3 (gold), screening bots (gold), playstation8 (bronze)
- Edi 2003Festival'Sprechstunde Gesundheit' - Short Clips + Trailers
- Dos LogosBookSeveral Logos were published
- Los LogosBookSeveral Logos were published
- Web Designing Japan 2003MagazineArticle/Interview about the chemicalbox design studio
Chemicalbox GmbH
Schlossstrasse 24
2560 Nidau (Schweiz)
+41 32 322 70 75